吃的安心最重要!\ 先前曾介紹過不丹是重視環境保護的國家\ 包含在不丹的土壤種植蔬果,全都是採用有機的方式\ 所以來這裡連路邊的果實、野草都是可以很放心的食用\ 只要記得帶著勇於嘗試當地料理的心,就能體驗到道地的特色飲食\ 而不丹人的飲食特色之一則是無辣不歡\ 但除了辣椒跟起司,去不丹還要吃什麼呢?\ 天然可吞食的「口香糖」、家家戶戶都會製作的營養零嘴\ 平時喜歡小酌紓壓更要把握喝喝看的紀念酒款\ 到不丹錯過太可惜,一定要筆記啊!\ \ Food safety is essential!\ Like we introduced earlier, Bhutan takes environment
tal protection seriously.\ All of the vegetables and fruits are grown organically.\ You can even eat wild fruit and berries on the roadside with no worries.\ With an open mind, you will be able to experience the authentic local cuisine.\ One of the most typical Bhutanese flavors is spicy.\ But besides Ema-Tashi, what else can we eat in Bhutan?\ You can try the natural and edible “gum” and nutritious snacks that every household would make.\ If you love drinking, you must try the commemorative wine here in Bhutan.\ It will be a pity to miss these foods when you visit Bhutan, so take note!\ \ #不丹美食 #有機 #organic #辣椒 #chili #起司 #紅米 #RedRice #玉米酥 #tengma #檳榔 #BetelNut #ArecaNut #不丹酒 #Zaow #zow #Ara #K5 #whisky #whiskey\ \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------\ 如果有喜歡我們的影片,歡迎按讚、訂閱+分享?\ \ 有話想要跟我們分享嗎?歡迎留言或私訊給我們喔?\ \ 版權©️問題:如果有侵犯到您的版權\ 請先與我們通知處理,將自行下架\ ▹聯絡信箱:[email protected],謝謝?\ \ If you like our videos, please like, subscribe + share ?\ \ Have something to share with us? Welcome to leave us a message or private message ?\ \ Copyright © ️ Question: If there is any infringement of your copyright, please notify us to deal with it, and we will take it off. Thanks.\ E-mail:[email protected]