【問題】flood into中文 ?推薦回答

關於「flood into中文」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:


4 天前 · Few nutrients are applied to the soil, which remains flooded most of the time when there is heavy rain. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. During the ...: 。


4 天前 · Late water floods can be used to lower pesticide inputs but the success of this practice is dependent on many variables36,38. 来自Cambridge ...: 。

flood in中文, flood in是什麼意思:涌進… - 查查在線詞典。

flood and field 海陸。

go through fire and flood 赴湯蹈火。

in flood 洋溢,滔滔,大量;泛濫。

take at the flood 利用有利時機。

throw a flood of light on sth.: 。

flood中文, flood是什麼意思:泛濫… - 查查在線詞典。


... The flood was too deep to drive through .: 。

找Parks designed to flood相關社群貼文資訊| 娛樂貼文懶人包-2021年 ...。

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Weiliu Wetland Park by Yifang Ecoscape - Landezine。

2019年1月22日· In order to restore the resilience of flood retention ...。

Floodplains: Processes and Management for Ecosystem Services。

Kenow, K. P., G. L. Benjamin, T.W. Schlagenhaft, R. A. Nissen, M. Stefanski, ... Fish recruitment on floodplains: the roles of patterns of flooding and life ...。

Inland Flood Hazards: Human, Riparian, and Aquatic Communities。

Large increases in flood magnitude in stream ecological effects of dams . BioScience , 45 , response to modest changes in climate . Nature , 361 , 183–192 .。

Geological Survey Circular。

Discusses following floods : Pequonnock River , Conn . , by T. W. Nurcross ; Sixmile Creek ... Contains chapters on developed and undeveloped water power .。

The Quaternary Period in the United States。

Pazzaglia, F.J., Gardner, T.W. & Merritts, ... Deglacial flood origin of the Charleston Alluvial Fan, lower Mississippi alluvial valley.。

Philadelphia OEM on Twitter: "Flash Flood Watch in effect until 5:00 ...。

2021年7月12日 · Flash Flood Watch in effect until 5:00 AM. Be prepared to take action in the event that flooding develops. http://goo.gl/xfexUk.

常見flood into中文問答