

2020520 愛你愛你我愛你\ ...

2020520 愛你愛你我愛你\ 我們的愛情就是這麼的轟轟烈烈\ 槍林彈雨都擋不住?❤️❤️❤️\ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ IG/@pattyho0401\ Twitter/@syccwy\ 巴哈/@syccwy2031\ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\

Photo tks 胡信子-專業人像形象照\ Special tks Robert Chang 牧崽崽 劉昕宸 Diamon Ruiss\ <場地租借皆有向台北市申請臨時道路使用權>\ #不良JK #制服 #槍械 Patty Ho 培根\ #喜歡要分享❤️ #welcome #forward

\ 為了兼顧防疫與個人權益,東京大...

\ 為了兼顧防疫與個人權益,東京大手筆砸下12億日圓租借旅館給網咖難民當暫時住處 #SC編\ \ ??日本抗疫六大行業全面停業!東京「網咖難民」慘無處去\ #武漢肺炎 #日本 #疫情 #網咖 #停業 #網咖 #難民 #coronavirus #wuhan #COVID19\ \ ?我們有國際新聞


貼心的小楓子們\ 今天下午5點記得...

貼心的小楓子們\ 今天下午5點記得死守蝦皮直播\ 和唯楓還有蘿莉塔\ 一起搶購最潮最實用的單品喔???\ (C編正在手指暖身中?)\ \ 下殺直播連結\ https://live.shopee.tw/universal-link/middle-page?type=plan&id=6966&deep_a

nd_deferred=1#reminder\ 追蹤蝦導播拿好康→https://shopee.tw/shopping_expert_shopee

\ I hope you’re p...

\ I hope you’re planning something fun after all this Covid19 settles. I want to share a little #SCUBA ? Clip because I had a student in the past say i

t saved their life from depression. Sharks generally shy away from bubbles which can be taken as a sign of aggression from many marine mammals. The fact that this young tiger #SharkIDBeasty @oneoceansharks was not dissuaded as we dove made me realize I need to keep an eye out for my dive buddy @juansharks who seemed to get a lot more attention because of his camera stobes. Generally at @oneoceandiving both safety diver biologists and the public who join us only snorkel on the surface, however from time to time we use SCUBA for work and I taught full time for years so there is something I miss about being able to stay down underwater on a regular basis and just watch all the marine life cruising above for an hour or so. I am an Instructor with over twenty specialties so I’ve taught everything from setting line for cave and wreck diving to drysuits, nitrox, and night (night dives are the best.) I am sure a lot of people are feeling confined staying at home, or maybe exhausted at work in an essential work position, but things won’t always be like this. Someday everyone will be allowed to travel again and experience wonderful fun things like the stuff people share from past times or maybe now is a good time to just enjoy time talking with your loved ones or planning your bucket list together. I highly recommend trying #scubadiving at some point in your life, it opens your eyes to the other 75% of the world & usually there is an instructor close by or maybe something shorter like swimming with #sharks with an expert (Of course I recommend @oneoceandiving if you can come to Hawaii ??☀️? ) which is also a great way to enjoy and learn about the ocean and marine life Or maybe take up swimming classes if you’ve never learn to swim, or plan a family vacation or a trip to see your ohana (family) if they are not with you now. I hope everyone is in a place where they are healthy and safe and I hope if the present moment doesn’t feel great please hold on plan for better times❤️. Life changes. #holdon #future #depressionhelp\

\ #雀魂 \ 賭博是壞文明!!...

\ #雀魂 \ 賭博是壞文明!!\ 我要粉碎他WW\

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你們覺得放了一週的茶好喝嗎?! - - #小哥哥艾理 #抖音 #TikTok #前任 #過去式 #日

常吐槽 #幽默搞笑

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#thisattackcomefromtaiwan #戲咖啡 此次無緣的餐廳 感覺適合小酌一杯 #就

懂得說酒 原來這個園區叫做 #草山小鎮 #喜歡 #陽明山美食:https://nimama.tw/thecafeby/ #這區有亞尼克 #星巴克 眾多美食、網美餐廳集結在此,以後來陽明山都要來逛逛。 #婗媽的小確幸 #想陽明山咖啡 #陽明山 #陽明山花季 #thecafeby #台北美食 #義大利麵 #oppo #oppor15

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被棉被綁架的齙龍今天就不去上課了…… . . 不對!!人家已經不是學生了!! 再被綁架就來不及啦~ 遲

~到~啦 @shibasays 拜託不要fire我 w(゚Д゚)w #イラスト #dinosaur #illustration #插畫 #恐龍 #procreate #社畜 #新鮮人 #齙牙百科 #bigtoothbaike #shiba #shibasays

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20200402- 連假終於開始,可以睡到飽。  #diary #手帳 #stamps #日記

#stamp #washitape #紙膠帶 #手帳ゆる友 #手帳生活 #文具控 #midori #印章 #拼貼 #文具房 #mddiary #一期一會 #mdnotebook #手帳拼貼 #mdダイアリー #midori一期一會 #MD一期一會 #小行星b610 #ladyf手繪溫室 #仙女丸

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宅在家也很自在的孩子 可能是媽媽也超宅 所以孩子很能一整天都待在家() - #阿映的育兒日記 #1y

8m #baby #cutebaby #babygirl #babylife #momlife #老嬰 #幼兒 #媽媽視角 #寶寶 #寶寶日常 #星期一 #家庭日 #媽媽日常 #居家 #女寶寶 #在家 #新手媽媽 #看電視