#口罩語言 #talktomyeyes #englishbelow ⠀最近我不斷練習「用眼睛講話」?⠀\
平常喜歡對周邊人微笑,表達的是一種人與人之間的溫度。疫情開始戴口罩就很不習慣,但現在我已習慣了用眼睛做兩個“半月“型狀(^^) 代替嘴巴笑?⠀\
你呢?疫情這段期間有沒有學到一些有趣的事?? ⠀\
@surfaceapparel 的口罩已上官網了(高雄西子灣店面也可以買)?️⠀\
而且跟我們衝浪機能褲的材質一樣舒服啦!? 輕 / 透氣 / 快乾 / 不臭 / 四方彈性/防潑水!兩層中間可夾醫療口罩,重複使用比較環保♻️ 更多設計細節看 www.surfaceapparel.com ?? 配件??口罩!?⠀\
In the past months, I practiced “talking through the eyes” ? ⠀\
...I usually smile a lot at people, that’s why wearing a mask was something I had to get used to. (I’m ok with it now. Making half moon eyes aka comic ^^) how about you? Working on your body language? ?⠀\
@surfaceapparel masks ethically made, made from the same eco friendly, super light and fast dry material as our walk and surf shorts ?? put a medical mask in between the layers of u need, and reuse them instead of throwing them in the rubbish daily ♻️ ? available now online @surfaceapparel ⠀\
#surfaceapparel #ethicalswimwear #swim #bikini #ecofriendly #eco #environment #positive #protectourplanet #sustainability ⠀\
#corona #coronavirus #withme #quarantine #quarantinelife #untiltomorrow #imdoingfinebecause #safehands #mask #masks #taiwannumberone #taiwan #amazingtaiwan #taiwanderlust #creative #reuse #recycle ⠀ @ SurfAce Bikinis - SurfAce Apparel