以為只是一顆寶貝球嗎?日本麵包達人izuyo擅長製作各式各樣的卡通麵包,看似簡單的外表,一切開竟然蹦出「名偵探皮卡丘」!如果有販售這種麵包的話,妞編輯一定要買!而且想被滿滿的皮卡丘包圍的話,只要努力多切幾刀就能夢想成真,實在太療癒啦!XD(#魚子)\ \ 圖片授權:IG @izuyo0719\ \ #
手工麵包 #吐司 #切片 #寶貝球 #名偵探皮卡丘 #皮卡丘
以為只是一顆寶貝球嗎?日本麵包達人izuyo擅長製作各式各樣的卡通麵包,看似簡單的外表,一切開竟然蹦出「名偵探皮卡丘」!如果有販售這種麵包的話,妞編輯一定要買!而且想被滿滿的皮卡丘包圍的話,只要努力多切幾刀就能夢想成真,實在太療癒啦!XD(#魚子)\ \ 圖片授權:IG @izuyo0719\ \ #
手工麵包 #吐司 #切片 #寶貝球 #名偵探皮卡丘 #皮卡丘
\ 去年很榮幸能參與《親愛的房客》演出\ 終於即將在台北電影節跟大家見面!:)\ \ 粉絲頁初見面就來跟大家報好消息~~~\ 《#親愛的房客》入圍第22屆台北電影獎3項大獎???\ \ ▪️最佳男主角 莫子儀 \ ▪️最佳女配角 陳淑芳\ ▪️最佳美術設計 陳柏任\ \ \ 鄭有傑導
演睽違5年的電影新作品\ 即將在今年秋天上映 敬請期待!\ \ \ ▃監製|#楊雅喆、鄭有傑\ ▃導演/編劇|#鄭有傑\ ▃製片人|#林仕肯\ ▃領銜主演|#莫子儀、#陳淑芳、#白潤音\ ▃主演|#姚淳耀、#是元介、#吳朋奉、#謝瓊煖、#沈威年、#王可元\ \ \ 莫子儀 MO Tzu-yi Morning\ 陳淑芳\ 白潤音 Runyin Bai\ 台北電影節 Taipei Film Festival\
\ 中華電信在全台22縣市中,稱霸4G定點下載速率啊!!!\ \ #網速 #中華電信 #遠傳電信 #台灣大哥大\
侏羅紀世紀距今約208~144百萬年間,是恐龍霸業的發展期。\ 雷龍 Apatosaurus,學名意思是「虛偽的蜥蜴」,又譯為「迷惑龍」,發現地在美國墨西哥??是一種草食型恐龍,更是世界上最知名的恐龍之一?\ #Apatosaurus #侏羅紀 #雷龍 #恐龍\ #虛偽的蜥蜴 #迷惑龍 #墨西哥 #草
食\ #美國 #龍
\ I hope you’re planning something fun after all this Covid19 settles. I want to share a little #SCUBA ? Clip because I had a student in the past say i
t saved their life from depression. Sharks generally shy away from bubbles which can be taken as a sign of aggression from many marine mammals. The fact that this young tiger #SharkIDBeasty @oneoceansharks was not dissuaded as we dove made me realize I need to keep an eye out for my dive buddy @juansharks who seemed to get a lot more attention because of his camera stobes. Generally at @oneoceandiving both safety diver biologists and the public who join us only snorkel on the surface, however from time to time we use SCUBA for work and I taught full time for years so there is something I miss about being able to stay down underwater on a regular basis and just watch all the marine life cruising above for an hour or so. I am an Instructor with over twenty specialties so I’ve taught everything from setting line for cave and wreck diving to drysuits, nitrox, and night (night dives are the best.) I am sure a lot of people are feeling confined staying at home, or maybe exhausted at work in an essential work position, but things won’t always be like this. Someday everyone will be allowed to travel again and experience wonderful fun things like the stuff people share from past times or maybe now is a good time to just enjoy time talking with your loved ones or planning your bucket list together. I highly recommend trying #scubadiving at some point in your life, it opens your eyes to the other 75% of the world & usually there is an instructor close by or maybe something shorter like swimming with #sharks with an expert (Of course I recommend @oneoceandiving if you can come to Hawaii ??☀️? ) which is also a great way to enjoy and learn about the ocean and marine life Or maybe take up swimming classes if you’ve never learn to swim, or plan a family vacation or a trip to see your ohana (family) if they are not with you now. I hope everyone is in a place where they are healthy and safe and I hope if the present moment doesn’t feel great please hold on plan for better times❤️. Life changes. #holdon #future #depressionhelp\
#彰化 / #彰化景點 #懶人包請參考個人頁面連結 / 說到浪漫的紫色花海,你會想到什麼呢?紫藤花?薰
衣草?錫葉藤?鼠尾草?今年夏天在彰化田尾則有另外一個紫色生力軍,那就是有著優美身影的「鳶尾花」。 / 園區主人「成哥」相當好客,一入園便會親切聊天、介紹花況等,園區主要以鳶尾為主,有紫色、藍色、紅色、白色等,每種色系花期不一,目前為紫色率先開花,接著藍色、白色、紅色則會依序綻放,色系間大概只重疊兩、三天,因此要看見多種顏色的鳶尾盛開,可需要相當的運氣。 #花期預計到五月十七日 / 旅人小屋舒宿 522彰化縣田尾鄉平和路一段304號 0987 756 115 ⏰08:00-17:00 50元/人 / #旅行彰化履行中#田尾#田尾景點#鳶尾#鳶尾花#彰化花海#田尾花海