\ 因為有些字比較小,所以推薦可以...
\ 因為有些字比較小,所以推薦可以點開下方連結來看大圖。\ https://i.imgur.com/tq3Br4X.jpg\ English version is below, please click See More to reveal the entire article!\ #leagu
eoflegends #worlds2017 #skt #ssg\ \ 2017世界賽就這樣結束了。雖然從這屆SKT的比賽過程中可以感受得到,他們沒有過去幾次世界賽那樣的強悍,但還是很難想像SKT在世界賽輸掉冠亞的樣貌。不過看到擊敗他們的是左踢LZ又打WE的SSG,似乎這個結果也沒有那麼令人意外。只是直落三的結果或許也跌破大家的眼鏡,原本想像應該是兩隊激烈的纏鬥?更讓人不捨的是Faker比賽結束後那哭泣的樣貌q_q 或許正因為這樣,他才能維持最強的狀態吧。\ \ 其實這張畫今天凌晨就畫好了,只是那時有些晚了,就等到今天再貼。這張也是花了蠻多時間去思考要放什麼梗進去(加上一些墨滴到紙上的意外發生:()。因為有些比較抽象的東西,所以我在這張畫裡也用了比較多文字去輔助。希望大家會喜歡。\ \ ptt文章:\ https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1509876658.A.185.html\ 國外Reddit貼文:\ https://goo.gl/1EiKc5\ 這個時間點(11/5 晚上6點)是排行第一的文章!!\ 他們好愛圖片裡其中一段文字xDD 也謝謝底下有人幫我找到梗的來源。\ 另外也謝謝Misfits的官方IG、FB和twiiter轉貼我畫的MSF vs. SKT那張圖♥\ \ 我之後會把我在2017世界賽裡畫的圖合併成一張大的圖;另外也在想這些圖片還能用來做什麼。\ \ 如果喜歡這張圖的話,歡迎大家分享喔!另外對於這幅畫有什麼想法也歡迎留言,大家的鼓勵是我創作的動力!大家下次再見囉:3\ \ Before the finals in the worlds, SKT was definitely not as strong as how it being in previous seasons based on the earlier games, it is still hard to imagine the scene of SKT losing to a team in the worlds. But it happened, today, the giant fallen. I am so excited to witness the history, but it was so sad to see Faker depressed like that ;(\ \ This drawing took me much time thinking about how to perform it, hope you like it! In this time, I used some dialogues to help describe ideas, although I like to deliver ideas by drawings itself, however, adding words on drawings is also helpful to tell some abstract thoughts.\ \ I will try to merge all of the drawings I did during worlds 2017 into one image. I haven't decided what it would be or where to use it. I just think it would be a nice idea. Please let me know how to utilize these drawings :)\ Looking back on the drawings, I am so glad I had consistently made them. The comments from the posts are definitely being a great motive for me to keep doing them.\ \ See you next time!\ \ ---\ 我的社群網站 My Social Media:\ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bcny.yu\ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BcNyART\ Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/bcny\ Pixiv: https://pixiv.me/bcny\ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bcnyart/\ DeviantArt: https://bcnyart.deviantart.com/\ Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/bcny\